Non Faith Based Alcohol & Drug Rehab

Nearly 95% of all rehabs in the US use 12-step treatment as a key part of their rehabilitation program. This means that each of these centers use the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) model which includes religious elements of having to submit to God or a Higher Power for their addiction.
This poses a real problem for those who want to do a non-religious drug or alcohol rehab program.
One does not have to be an atheist or agnostic to want non-faith based drug rehab treatment. Drug counselors often report that many who believe in God still seek non-faith based rehab options because they feel 'religion' will not specifically address their addiction. Many simply do not wish to be immersed in treatment that feels like church, but instead wish to get more therapeutic treatment options for the underlying issues specific to their addiction.
Self-Empowered vs. Higher Power
Anyone who is seeking to become 'self-empowered' over their alcohol or drug addiction will experience problems (or already has) with 12-step rehab programs. This is because it teaches only God or a Higher Power can help them.
A common denominator for those seeking non-12 step rehab centers or non-faith based rehab programs is the purpose of regaining control over themselves. With cognitive therapy, education and other therapeutic methods, a person can discover and resolve the causes of their addictions. This is something that 12-step rehabs will say is not possible. And, this is a key reason why so many have a problem with going to AA, NA and other 12-step based rehab centers.
For these and many other reasons, there is a large spectrum of people seeking non-religious drug rehab treatment today.
Because there are far fewer non-faith based rehab centers in the country than other forms of treatment, finding one is not always easy. And knowing which of these is best for your specific needs can also be challenging. Our experienced chemical dependency counselors are available to answer your questions - and help you find a non-faith based drug rehab facility that is right for you.